Friday, June 24, 2005

WTO: A Threat to Humanity

Wednesday Night Film Series
WTO: A Threat to Humanity
(Spanish with English subtitles,
54:00, 2003,co-produced with CIEPAC)
(由齊亞柏斯媒體計劃(Chiapas Media Project)
Video Power
Flat A, 8/F., Yiu Chung Building,
368 Portland Street, Mongkok
8:00 p.m., 6 June 2005 (Wed)
About the film:
WTO: A Threat to Humanity is an in-depth look at the history and 
current policies of the World Trade Organization.  A Threat to 
Humanity (an indigenous/non-indigenous co-production) was 
originally made for indigenous and campesino communities in 
Mexico and Central America who wanted an explanation of WTO 
and how it's policies are affecting their communities.  Among the 
issues discussed are NAFTA's impact on corn production in 
Mexico, the effects of genetically modified seeds on world 
agricultural systems, agricultural subsidies in developed countries 
and it's negative impact on food production indeveloping countries, 
intellectual property and patents on indigenous plants and 
knowledge, privatization of natural resources and south to south 
competition for cheap labour.
Online information 線上資料:
Jointly presented by the WNFS and the Video Power

Thursday, June 16, 2005


�o�N�O�eD������ Posted by Hello

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

This Is What Democracy Looks Like Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 11, 2005

World Traded Off Posted by Hello

With the superimposition of the World Trade Oganisation, how much did/could we get off from world trade? Or, is it simply that our world have gotten traded off?

Friday, June 10, 2005

This is what democracy looks like

Wednesday Night Film Series
Everywhere, we heard talks of democracy but have not really quite seen how it would looks like up close. Now, let me show you,
This is what democracy looks like


Video Power
Flat A, 8/F., Yiu Chung Building, 368 Portland Street, Mongkok


8:00 p.m.


About the Film:
A co-production of the Seattle Independent Media Center and Big Noise Films, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE is a 56 minute documentary capturing the events of the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle.

由 西雅圖獨立媒體中心(Seattle Independent Media Centre)及大大聲影視(Big Noise Films)協力製作。「這就是民主的面貌」(This is what democracy looks like)片長56分鐘。本片紀錄捕捉了1999年於西雅圖發生的反世貿示威活動情況。

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About the Wednesday Night Film Series:

The Wednesday Night Film Series is a free monthly showing of films, videos, and documentaries open to all. Our aim is to create discussion around the issues of neoliberalism, capitalism, resistance, and alternatives in the run-up to the WTO ministerial in Hong Kong in December 2005...


Around the world, the ideology of the 'open market' or 'neoliberalism' is spread and enforced by powerful institutions such as the WTO, IMF, and World Bank. But what are these institutions, and what do they do?

If we are to believe the propadanda, their ideology of corporate globalization is based on values that we should all find desirable. Markets, after all, are said to be 'free', are associated with 'choice' and 'diversity', are linked to individual autonomy and democracy, and will lead to enrichment and an end to poverty. The 'free market', we often hear, is 'normal' and 'fair', a default setting that does not reflect any bias or ideology, and thus its spread will signal the end of conflict and the creation of a 'global village'.

假如我們選擇相信他們的講 法,我們就得相信他們的企業全球化觀念是建基於一套值得我們追求的價值觀。我們就得相信,市場實應建基於「選擇」、「多元性」、「個體自主」、「整體民 主」以至最終達至「生活質素提升」及「消除貧窮」,因此「市場」應要「自由」發展。我們經常接收到「自由市場」就是「正常」及「公平」的訊息,「自由市 場」的預設安排並不反映任何偏見或意識型態,故此,它的擴散將代表着紛爭的消除及「地球村」的建立。

Hong Kong has already been deeply embedded in this 'world economy' for decades- from the days of drug-running colonial gunboats to the time of Mickey Mouse, we have heard that global capitalism has taken up the noble burden of bringing sun to the shadows and building for us 'The Happiest Place on Earth'.


Yet look around us, at our own city, and around the world. Do we see poverty being eliminated with the liberalization of trade and growth of the GDP? Or do we see that more and more of our fellow citizens are becoming structurally redundant and dropping below the poverty line with the growth of the prospering economy? Are we free individuals with control over decisions that affect us, or do corporations and other unaccountable institutions have a greater say in our lives and communities than we do? Do we see diversity, or monoculture and a saturation of the market by its most powerful players? Do we see the solidarity of a 'global village' developing between each other and our neighbours, or greater divisions of rich and poor, greater competition between people, and scapegoating of marginalized people, migrants and foreigners? Do we see conflicts ending, or is ours a world that is edging closer to destroying itself every day? And do we really see the freedom to change this and to create alternatives, or are we faced with an ideology that refuses to consider the possibility of something else, something more desirable?

但當我們回頭看清楚我們身處的地方,以至全世界,我們真的看到貿易自由化及國內產總 值增長消除了貧窮嗎?或是,真實的現象反而是:在經濟發展持續增長的情況下,越來越多我們的市民朋友們,被結構性地擠壓至貧窮線以下呢?作為個體,我們是 真的可以掌握那些將影響我們生活的決定呢?或是容忍那些商貿大企業及無公開問責性的機構,對我們的生活及社區有着比我們更大的發言權呢?我們真的看見多元 化嗎?或是市場反被那些壟權者推動的一體化所飽和了呢?我們看到團結我們與鄰人的「地球村」的發展嗎?還是見到每況越下的貧富懸殊,人與人之間的競爭,以 至把邊緣社群、移民及他者塑造成代罪羔羊的現象呢?我們看到紛爭的消除嗎?或是我們看到一個正步向自我毀滅的世界呢?在這現況下,我們看到嘗試改善以至開 創不同選擇的自由嗎?或是我們正面對着一套拒絕考慮其他意見和渴求的可能性的觀念呢?

Has history ended? Is the fundamentalism of the 'free market' truly the model, the only way ahead? Where are the voices of opposition? What are they saying?


In A Land Called Chiapas , there raged a storm from the mountains to open up a window for the movement of the movements. From the Showdown in Seattle to Kilometer 0 in Cancun , we saw This is What Democracy Looks Like and that humanity's struggle to resist The Fourth World War is on. Resistance raged as The Navigators charted the map of The Corporation , and a pots-and-pans struggle in Argentina created The Take to occupy, create, and seize future from the bottom up.

在一個名叫齊亞柏斯的地方,那裹吹起了一道 來自山區的風潮,衪為一場眾多不同運動互動而成的運動吹開了一道窗口。由西雅圖的攤牌現場至坎昆的零公里,我們看到這就是民主的面貌,及因人民的掙扎和抵 抗而展開的第四次世界大戰。其中,導航員描繪了大企業的航圖,亞根延的飯碗奮抗路線如何行進至一個由下而上的工人當家去回奪,開創以至掌握將來的標示。

Thus, we will not be your guides, but we will give you our hands, to consummate without neglect and share with you another view of the present, and another vision of the future. Come and join our regular film screenings and discussions- what we have in store for you is one big NO to neo-liberalism and many yeses to you the peoples.


Jointly presented by the Wednesday Night Films Series and the Video Power

The Fourth World War 第四次世界大戰

About the Film:

While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold.

Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", "Fourth World War" is the product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents. From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq, it is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in the war against humanity.

Produced through a network of independent media and activist groups worldwide, this is a truly global film from a truly global movement.


About the Wednesday Night Film Series:

The Wednesday Night Film Series is a free monthly showing of films, videos, and documentaries open to all. Our aim is to create discussion around the issues of neoliberalism, capitalism, resistance, and alternatives in the run-up to the WTO ministerial in Hong Kong in December 2005...

Around the world, the of the 'open market' or 'neoliberalism' is spread and enforced by powerful institutions such as the WTO, IMF, and World Bank. But what are these institutions, and what do they do?

If we are to believe the propadanda, their ideology of corporate globalization is based on values that we should all find desirable. Markets, after all, are said to be 'free', are associated with 'choice' and 'diversity', are linked to individual autonomy and democracy, and will lead to enrichment and an end to poverty. The 'free market', we often hear, is 'normal' and 'fair', a default setting that does not reflect any bias or ideology, and thus its spread will signal the end of conflict and the creation of a 'global village'.

Hong Kong has already been deeply embedded in this 'world economy' for decades- from the days of drug-running colonial gunboats to the time of Mickey Mouse, we have heard that global capitalism has taken up the noble burden of bringing sun to the shadows and building for us 'The Happiest Place on Earth'.

Yet look around us, at our own city, and around the world. Do we see poverty being eliminated with the liberalization of trade and growth of the GDP? Or do we see that more and more of our fellow citizens are becoming structurally redundant and dropping below the poverty line with the growth of the prospering economy? Are we free individuals with control over decisions that affect us, or do corporations and other unaccountable institutions have a greater say in our lives and communities than we do? Do we see diversity, or monoculture and a saturation of the market by its most powerful players? Do we see the solidarity of a 'global village' developing between each other and our neighbours, or greater divisions of rich and poor, greater competition between people, and scapegoating of marginalized people, migrants and foreigners? Do we see conflicts ending, or is ours a world that is edging closer to destroying itself every day? And do we really see the freedom to change this and to create alternatives, or are we faced with an ideology that refuses to consider the possibility of something else, something more desirable?

Has history ended? Is the fundamentalism of the 'free market' truly the model, the only way ahead? Where are the voices of opposition? What are they saying?

In A Land Called Chiapas, there raged a Storm From The Mountains to open up a window for the movement of the movements. From the Showdown in Seattle to Kilometer 0 in Cancun, we saw This is What Democracy Looks Like and that humanity's struggle to resist The Fourth World War is on. Resistance raged as The Navigators charted the map of The Corporation, and a pots-and-pans struggle in Argentina created The Take to occupy, create, and seize future from the bottom up.

Thus, we will not be your guides, but we will give you our hands, to consummate without neglect and share with you another view of the present, and another vision of the future. Come and join our regular film screenings and discussions- what we have in store for you is one big NO to neo-liberalism and many yeses to you the peoples.


Wednesday Night Film Series


The Fourth World War







《第四次世界大戰》的製作班底,是曾製作This Is What Democracy Looks Like(《民主就是這個樣子》)Zapatista(《查巴丁士達遊擊隊》)的 製作人員。影片內容結集了歷經兩年橫跨五大洲於各運動內部所紀錄的故事而成。由「南方」的墨西哥、阿根廷、南非、巴勒斯坦、南韓,以至「北方」的西雅圖、 日內瓦的抗爭前線及紐約、阿富汗、伊拉克的反恐戰爭──面對一個滅絕人文尊嚴及其生存空間的文化經濟侵略戰爭,各地的人民都使出了反抗的招數。


聯絡 ,




假 如我們選擇相信他們的講法,我們就得 相信他們的企業全球化觀念是建基於一套值得我們追求的價值觀。我們就得相信,市場實應建基於「選擇」、「多元性」、「個體自主」、「整體民主」以至最終達 至「生活質素提升」及「消除貧窮」,因此「市場」應要「自由」發展。我們經常接收到「自由市場」就是「正常」及「公平」的訊息,「自由市場」的預設安排並 不反映任何偏見或意識型態,故此,它的擴散將代表着紛爭的消除及「地球村」的建立。


但 當我們回頭看清楚我們身處的地方,以 至全世界,我們真的看到貿易自由化及國內產總值增長消除了貧窮嗎?或是,真實的現象反而是:在經濟發展持續增長的情況下,越來越多我們的市民朋友們,被結 構性地擠壓至貧窮線以下呢?作為個體,我們是真的可以掌握那些將影響我們生活的決定呢?或是容忍那些商貿大企業及無公開問責性的機構,對我們的生活及社區 有着比我們更大的發言權呢?我們真的看見多元化嗎?或是市場反被那些壟權者推動的一體化所飽和了呢?我們看到團結我們與鄰人的「地球村」的發展嗎?還是見 到每況越下的貧富懸殊,人與人之間的競爭,以至把邊緣社群、移民及他者塑造成代罪羔羊的現象呢?我們看到紛爭的消除嗎?或是我們看到一個正步向自我毀滅的 世界呢?在這現況下,我們看到嘗試改善以至開創不同選擇的自由嗎?或是我們正面對着一套拒絕考慮其他意見和渴求的可能性的觀念呢?


在 一個名叫齊亞柏斯的地方,那裹吹起了 一道來自山區的風潮,衪為一場眾多不同運動互動而成的運動吹開了一道窗口。由西雅圖的攤牌現場至坎昆的零公里,我們看到這就是民主的面貌,及因人民的掙扎 和抵抗而展開的第四次世界大戰。其中,導航員描繪了大企業的航圖,亞根延的飯碗奮抗路線如何行進至一個由下而上的工人當家去回奪,開創以至掌握將來的標 示。
